Vision and Hearing
Vision and hearing are essential senses for learning. Vision and Hearing Screenings will be conducted on a referral basis and a preselected grade/s will have mass screenings conducted. Screening is not diagnostic. Children who fail the screening will be referred for a professional exam, diagnosis and treatment. Screening will not identify every child who needs referred, nor will every child who is referred require treatment. In addition to detecting problems, these screenings are valuable in raising the awareness or parents, teachers and the community of the importance of annual eye care.
The goal is that children having spinal deformities be detected early and placed under medical care before serious disability and deformity occur. The program is designed to screen children at school and to teach students and their parents about spinal deformities.
Scoliosis, the medical term for lateral curvature of the spine, is a common disorder. Between five and ten percent of school children have spinal curves. It is slightly more common in girls than boys and has its onset usually about ages ten to twelve. About 85 percent of curves are idiopathic (of unknown origin), although there appears to be a strong familial tendency in the idiopathic group.
In addition to scoliosis, kyphosis, or “humpback,” and lordosis, sometimes referred to as “swayback,” can be seen in the same age groups to be screened. Kyphosis and lordosis are much less common than scoliosis.
Although most curvatures are of minor consequence, progressive spinal deformity may lead to crippling spine deformity and heart and lung problems: therefore, early detection and treatment are essential. When detected early, treatment with a brace may prevent the progression of the deformity and may prevent the need for surgery. When detected late, surgery may be necessary.
Spinal deformities, in the early years, often go undetected because of the painless onset. Unless the condition is severe, it will not be visible to parents or others in the fully clothed child. Parents cannot be expected to detect the curve at an early state. Early detection, however, can be accomplished by mass screening of the critical age groups by trained personnel. Therefore, all school children in grades 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 (ages 11 through 14) should be screened once a year for this potential problem.